Friday, December 17, 2010

TGAC Offering 
MBA - Oil & Gas Management

Programme Overview

With the oil & gas industry worldwide facing a critical shortage of engineers and, more importantly, professionals in other areas (e.g. accountants, human resource managers, economists, etc.) who are well-versed in the oil and gas business transactions, the University was inspired to take the initiative in training and producing future oil and gas professionals for both the engineering and the business management sectors. While the UCSI University campus in Kuala Lumpur focuses on engineering programmes, the Terengganu campus concentrates on the Business Administration (Oil and Gas Management) programmes.

Its uniquely-designed syllabus, the MBA (Oil and Gas Management) programme aims to train and produce graduates who have completed their first degrees in engineering, business administration, accounting, etc. and who wish to upgrade their knowledge and skills to embark on administrative and managerial careers related to the oil and gas sector.

Course Outline
  • Scientific Thinking and Research Methodology
  • Negotiation Skills
  • Technical Communication for Oil and Gas
  • Blue Ocean Strategy
  • Oil and Gas Accounting
  • International Aspects of Oil and Gas Affairs and Agreements
  • Petroleum Economics and Fiscal Policy Formulation
  • Applications of Quantitative Techniques in Oil and Gas Management
For more details can contact:

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