Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Lets make Comman Wealth Games a Success !!

CWG is just a few days ahead to be held in our own City Delhi…
We should be proud & seize the opportunity ……..
Whatever happened - scams/ scandals/ mis-arrangement …. Its Common man’s turn to extend a extra helping hand – to make it a Success NOW!!
It’s a matter of Our Own Pride !! Lets do in all small & big way to Make country Proud !!

atithi devo bhava

CWG – Starts on 3,Oct,2010 till 14th Oct,2010 ….
These 12 days
: Avoid traveling by private vehicle on the CWG route, take metro/ public transport
: Avoid any unimportant travel during these days.
: Follow traffic rules, stick to your lane [ NO to Blue Lane ]

: Be positive [ formost importat ]
: Do not litter, make Delhi clean
: Help outsiders – guiding, providing any support/ direction.
: Be courteous to the foreigners
: Let them not get exploited – " Give Respect -Gain respect"
: Be Alert for suspicious person /activity around
: Curb any rumors / misguiding news

Join Hand & Make Country & Self proud !!